It seems like the last few weeks have been filled with insights into Jacob's character and opportunity for him to find out more about who he is. Jacob won first place in 9 out of the 11 track and feild events at his school's track and feild day! He mentioned incredulously to one of the parent helpers that, "I didn't even know God gave me the gift of running until today!" He also did well in his soccer tournement and won a soccer ball for being a "good communicator" and at his kindergarten awards ceremony today he recieved the "responsibility award". It excites me so much that the actitities and the communities that he is part of right now are all contributing so much to shaping his character and care enough to point out his strengths to him. When I was trying to decide whether to start Jacob with music lessons next year, I was thinking a lot about WHY we do what we do. And I realized that a big part of why we do activities like soccer, dance and music lessons is for them to learn about themselves and grow in character, as well as for them to find other adults like coaches and music teachers that will help them do this. My hope is that these adults will be people that my kids like and that we both trust so that as they get older and go through the inevitable crisis of confidence, that they will have other trusted adults to talk to. People that they know love them. And that they will have enough of an idea of who they are essentially and where they are strong so that the enemy of their souls can not convince them that they are not good at anything or worth anything....That is my hope:)

Another highlight was my sisters visit. It was such a treat for me to have her here to talk to and to get a chance to see up close the miracles that are happening in her life. Through the deepest darkness can come the most beautiful treasures....

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