Well, you may remember that we had a snowy blustery blizzard two weeks ago. Bad enough that we didn't leave the house for the day! I have some great pics of the kids in their bathing suits playing in the mud they created this week! I've heard that Alberta weather strongly resembles a woman with bad PMS, and since I am a woman, I can say this without fearing retribution! (not from the weather!) Both kids had feild trips this week as well. Mikaela went to "Leduc number one" to learn all about Alberta oil and Jacob went to a small ranch to have a picnic of sorts. Both kids had a blast! Jacob managed to win the sack race and the egg and spoon race and Mikaela came home with much more knowledge of the oilfeild than I have. But I think the highlight of Jacob's week was changing the winter tires for the summer tires and changing the oil with dad. There is nothing quite like doing things with dad!
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